As we know it, floods are ravaging the world. The recent examples in Europe and Asia, along with in the southeast of our country, serve as serious and sobering reminders that proper building construction and preventative maintenance are essential for the safety of our lives and the stability of our homes. Although in California, we rarely experience the risk of extensive flooding, leaks are ubiquitous no matter what part of the world you live in. Winter rains can infiltrate our properties and cause far-reaching damage that can pose serious health and safety risks. It is crucial that any building owner know the best ways to protect their property, its residents, and themselves. Keep reading as we dive into why and how to defend your buildings from water damage during the upcoming rainy season.
If you have read or watched international news in the recent months, you might have noticed videos of streets turned into streams, cars using their wipers to hastily remove water drowning their windshield, and subway stations with travelers wading waist-deep in water. These dire circumstances can come with or without warning. Even with ample notice, the options to prepare for these disasters are limited. Extreme weather is unavoidable and the aftermath can be tragic. Staying informed about the weather patterns in your region can help you select the proper building materials to protect your home in the event of weather that is mild, severe, and everything in between.
Let’s take a look at what happened in Europe. Several countries were hit very hard by intense downpours. Germany and Belgium were especially devastated. In mid July, approximately 6 inches of rain fell within 24 hours. This rapid rainfall moved downhill and collected in low lying areas, causing flooding, landslides, building collapse, and even the deaths of at least 196 people. This natural disaster is a sorrowful example of the caution we all need to take to secure our buildings and safeguard our lives in the event of extreme weather conditions.
While California is generally safe from extreme flooding, the state is not immune to intense and damaging rainfall. Even small amounts of rain this winter could cause burdensome problems for buildings that are not properly waterproofed. Especially when it comes to our roofs and our decks, exposed to the worst of the weather our region has to offer, we need to be especially careful about preventing water damage from the upcoming winter rains. Preventative maintenance for our homes and businesses can help avoid the cascading effects of leaks. But how?
The security of your home means being prepared for the worst. If you have a deck, this is often one of the first places that can pose a risk factor. With heavy rains, water can settle on the deck in any uneven areas. As it collects, if the deck is not waterproofed, many materials can break down, rot, mold, and become unstable. An unstable deck is not only a burdensome repair, but also a serious threat to safety. Fortunately, deck waterproofing services can protect your existing deck from future damage. If you are preparing to build, select materials that can best withstand the weather conditions in your area.
As the rainy season approaches, the best course of action is to be proactive. If you have noticed any leaks in the past, call a professional as soon as possible to have them take a look, assess damage, and recommend a solution. If you have an existing deck, especially one made of materials that are prone to water damage, it is highly recommended that you get a waterproof coating to prevent a worrisome leak from compromising your building’s stability in the future.
WICR Waterproofing and Decking is committed to helping you and your residents understand and prepare for the risks of water damage to your home and community. Preventative maintenance and proactive deck waterproofing are proven ways to help avoid the breakdown of your home from weather conditions. To learn more about how you can prepare your home for the upcoming winter rains, call the pros or visit us at