The Balcony INSPECTION Law
SB-326 -HOA / CONDO INSPECTION LAW Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act was recently enacted into CA law, effective January 2020. This new law requires ALL Condominium Owners / HOA’s to have ALL balconies inspected to ensure they meet minimum legal standards.
What Condo Owners Need to Do
CALL WICR @ 888.429.2909
Under this new law, an inspection must include a detailed examination of all balconies, as well as their waterproofing systems. This is to make sure that all balconies are in a generally safe condition, and don’t pose any threat to occupants. Call WICR for assistance.
How WICR Can Help
WICR has been providing these inspections to the HOA/ Condo community for over 25 years and can not only perform the newly required inspection, but unlike others who offer inspections services, WICR also provides any necessary maintenance of decks and the necessary repairs, bringing your balconies up to legal standards. If you choose WICR for both your inspection and repairs, the initial visual inspection fee will be waived.
With an inspection and the proper repairs and maintenance from WICR’s experts, you can have peace of mind knowing your property is compliant with the new law, and is safe and secure for all your guests and residents.
Call us or fill out this form to see how we can help you!