Repairing and Waterproofing a San Diego Commercial Roof Deck

The expansive pedestrian roof deck at the Columbia Place commercial building in downtown San Diego was in need of a complete overhaul, due to failure of the original waterproofing system. Cracks, combined with sloping and drainage issues, led to water penetration, leaks, and discoloration. The client opted for a new and different waterproofing system.
Here, we removed the old roof deck waterproofing system, replaced any damaged wood, and repaired or replaced leaking drains. We made sure the deck was properly sloped, so that water is diverted to the drain system, and ponding is eliminated. Then, we installed a top of the line commercial waterproofing system, manufactured by Tufflex. We added a decorative Dex-O-Tex Resistite coating. After the roof deck waterproofing was complete, a Trex decking system was installed, both for aesthetics and for durability.
The Tufflex waterproofing system consists of a water-catalyzed hybrid polyurea and polyurethane coatings that offer durability, flexibility, waterproofing integrity and high quality; perfect for waterproofing a commercial, pedestrian roof deck.